I heard my cell phone chirp at me "low battery." I froze. But it only does it every so often. Once an hour maybe? It was good to know it was in the house, though. So I decided to call it. But I don't have the number memorized. And couldn't find it anywhere. I went to call my husband at work to ask him the # before the cell battery died. But I couldn't remember the number, suddenly.
As I was hunting for what I wanted for breakfast I knew where it was. In the pantry. Where all cell phones belong. If I'm 26 and putting cell phones in the pantry... what will I be doing at 76?
I looked for the little message icon. Nothing. I checked the missed call log. Nothing recent.
He never called.
Which brings me to my next rant. The biggest problem with being the kind of girl I am, which is to say horny and willing to have sex with married men is that I end up being the "call girl"... only able to get together at THEIR convenience. Afterall, we must be secretive. I find that extremely annoying. Thus the reason I pretty much broke things off with two men I'd been seeing and the reason I've hesistated to get back together with the third who is far far away, anyway. I don't LIKE having to plan my sexuality around their freetime. How about when *I* am horny and want to fuck? Oh, too bad...
I'm not saying it's any easier for them, who must escape their wives and lie, too. But they put themselves in their situation... and I put myself in mine... and if I choose to remove myself from that situation... that's my right.
Of course, planning or no planning... if the sex is really good I'll get over the inconvenience....
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