Thursday, April 14, 2005


Oh, lord. Just started my period today. My first clue that it was coming was the rapid (and rabid) ingestion of salt... sweet... salt... sweet. The second... i was freezing my ass off the other day. And it was about 80. Thirdly? My incredibly horniness.

I think I've masturbated 5 times in the last 24 hours. And was telling husband "I need to FUCK. I want to FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" But no fucking for me. No birthcontrol divice we both find acceptable was available (the pill... creams... whatever) so no fucking. Oh, fuck.

So I'm horny. Li should be there tomorrow. Like I really need Li around when I want to fuck so bad. Shoot, one of the guys from work (TJ) was wanding around. TJ is a terrible flirt. Which is to say he's reasonably attractive and flirtatious as hell. And I woulda given into my baser urges and hit that because I WANT TO FUCK. I told him I wanted him to come see something and to come with me and he started unbutton his shirt, "I've been waiting for you to ask me that." And I was totally into it. Although I'm sure I looked dispassionate. My hormones said "fuck!" my brain said "not a good idea but...."

It'll go away. I won't need to fuck quite so bad, soon. Besides, having my period so makes me NOT feel desirable. Sure, I'd have sex during it, but preferably with someone I've slept with previously because it's kind of a more personal, intimate thing, I think. I don't think I have any willing participants so I'll sit here quietly until the horniness passes and I'm "back to normal."

Anyway. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Marathon fuck, please. Oh, please.

I heard one of the songs that was playing the first time I had sex with the ex. It reminded me of the spectacular marathon sex we used to have. Mmm. Sex.

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