Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I continue to feel ill. Ill enough to not want to go to work but not ill enough that I'm incapable of work. I don't intend to do much in the way of heavy lifting or running around, though, I'll tell you that for sure!

Not like Sunday when I ended up going home with an incredible fever.

I figure today will be another of those days when all I want to do is go lay the hell down by the end of the day. I'll be really surprised if I don't end up with another fever tonight.

I'm eating less than a 1/4 of what I usually eat which is great for weightloss but I worry that it's going to make my body too weak to fight whatever type of infection this is. I tried eating some cookies last night (mmm... oreos... I LOVE oreos) and managed to get through two before I was done eating. Two.

I'm not even sick to my stomach.

I'm sure I'm going to die.

Okay, maybe not. But I sort of wish I would.

Needless to say Semper Sexualis is now available in a sex-free variety....

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