Saturday, March 26, 2005


Last night I was bored and aching to do something fun. ANYTHING. But nothing really came up. So I got the bright idea to call husband's friend and see what he was up to and if the three of us could hang out.

We ended up going over to his place and hanging out for the better part of the night. We watched part of an older gangsta movie and then moved on to him playing what it probably my favorite game right now, Katamari Damacy. We'd brought it for him to play. However, it's really hard to sit and watch someone else play when all you want to do is take over and do it your damned self! However, we hung. We chatted. We entertained ourself. Once husband and I were good and tired we started getting ready to go and his friend flipped the game off.

The TV happened to be on HBO and at a glance I said "ah, Taxi Cab confessions." "You're good!" the friend said. I smiled "yeah, I've watched a few episodes. But it's never really that interesting." The friend disagreed, "some of them are really good." At which point this woman spreads her legs and starts playing with herself. And then her boyfriend starts. Her breasts are showing and he's got his hand going between her legs, all the while the guy looks completely normal while she writhes and moans. Suddenly, she moves around on the seat and he starts going down on her. I have a moment of... god knows what. What started as a normal evening has just degenerated.

I'm sitting on the couch. Husband and his friend are standing a bit off to my right... and friend's STBX comes walking in and see's what's on tv "I was wondering what you were watching!" I have nothing to say.

We all stay in our places, transfixed. And then cabbie starts turning around to watch... even as he drives. Talk begins again, laughing at the cab driver for being such a voyeur (like we're not).

Next up is a transexual. No nudity. Just much amusement between us all. Eventually the show ends and we leave.

Except I forgot my wallet. I turn around, as husband waits, and knock. His friend lets me in, "don't try to steal my wallet again!" I tell him (referencing absolutely no incidents of previous wallet stealing). I step inside and he closes the door. We walk to the couch. "I don't have it in my back pockets! You can feel!" he says, leaning over to look for my wallet. I momentarily consider it, but stop myself. He lifts the couch cushion and finds it. "I was trying to leave incriminating evidence," I tell him. "Go ahead!" he says. I laugh. I have to put my shoes back on. I'm intimately aware of the fact that he's standing so close behind me, and I have to bend over to put on my shoes....

Nothing happens. I leave, just as I enterered. Talking to husband's friend, a few sexual innuendos from him. "It only took about 35 seconds. Next time it'll last longer. Got to build up the momentum" he says. Husband's lost. "What?"

We go home.

I go to bed horny. I wake up horny.

I like being off the pill.

Friend will be over later this week. What to do? What to do.....

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