Sunday, September 03, 2017


I tend to think of men as "cumming" and women as coming. I'm not sure why. Being a teenager and watching the internet become more like it is today I feel like maybe that's when the word diverged to two spellings. Reading online.

I'm sure that's also a very teenagerish thing to say. My generation came up with these spellings. No, I know we didn't.

Regardless, I've found myself a lover who makes me come. And not by accident he does this. No, it's all skill. And I come long, hard, and often. It's amazing. I crave to be his devoted servant.

What I've discovered is that the more he makes me come, the less coming alone satisfies me. It's frustrating and awesome.

On the other hand, I just masturbated to orgasm and it made my toes tingle. So maybe there's something to this....

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