Sunday, January 09, 2005

Speaking of Dressing Rooms

Ken of posted about a dressing room incident.

I didn't have one of those.

However, as I was shopping around a particular ladies-only clothing store I overheard a guy talking to one of the sales ladies. I missed the vast majority of the conversation but it was reasonably clear that he was there alone. And was asking how far away some store was. About 20 minutes was the answer. I didn't think anything of it, really, except to wonder what store he was going to.

I continued my shopping which involved a lot of trying to decide if the clothing was "work casual" enough for my convention while remaining rugged enough for my often very dirty, very physical job. No point in spending money on clothes I wouldn't have a use for, afterall.

He walked past and turned around. I ignored him, staring at the brown and pink stripped shirt before me. "You know, that pink shirt would go great with those black pants." I glanced up at him, clearly gesturing to a shirt unrelated to the one I was considering. Trying to decide how to respond I finally said "ah, black I know. Black I can handle. It's the brown pants I'm having trouble with. And I don't like pink!" I tried to sound friendly. I must have failed. I stood before me a moment longer before walking away.

He was kind of cute. But it was weird, having him approach me in a clothing store. Actually, it was just weird being approached in the first place. The rest only added to the weirdness of it.

I later told husband I should have said something flirtatious. ANYTHING.


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