Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I tend to do stupid things. Among them, I tend to manage to link my anonymous blogs and diaries to some sort of "real" part of my life. Something which could give me away. What would happen if I was given away? Near as I can tell, nothing.

I'm considering giving myself up. Oh, not completely. But I am thinking about admitting what it is I do for a living. It would make it a lot easier to talk about my job.

Like the super hot, built, asian guy who came into my work today. Chewing tobacco. Umm.

The other example of my poor choice to link this blog to any other part of my real life is the guy who came into my work today. I walked past him. I walked past him again. The second time, he called to me. I turned around. "Do you live on base?" he asked me. I nodded, expecting to hear that he is my neighbor. I was about to be pleased that I had a polite neighbor. However, he followed this up with "are you on 'sitenamehere'.com?" My shock was momentary before I smiled, somewhat embarassed at having been caught, "wow... uh... yeah." He smiled, "I thought so. I waited for a long time for you to get a picture up." Or something like that. It didn't immediately give me the creeps. Thinking about it now, though, it kind of does. Because I put up a picture something like 6 months ago....

I essentially left the scene of the crime as quickly and shyly as I could. Chances are if I hadn't responded to him online I wasn't interested... or if I had... it was probably did not go very well since I've only come across two worthwhile potential men on this site.

The end of this story would be that it would be entirely possible he could be reading this right now. And wouldn't THAT be extra embarassing, eh?

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