Sunday, August 27, 2006


I've been debating for days but I finally decided I've shared with enough people that I might as well just write it here in the interest of being honest. I freakin' got a freakin' yeast infection. There's no doubt what it is. In this particular case, it's a classic case, though it's been years since I had one. And I'm super pissed.

I'm positive I caught it when Whit took it into his head to put one of his fingers up my ass and then (without my prior knowledge) used the same finger inside my pussy. I cringed when I realized what he did, but knew it was too late by then since he'd already done it. So I spent the next couple of days thinking all would be well....

Except it wasn't.

So now I've got a freakin' yeast infection. It's not hellish, at this point. Just annoying. And totally cramping my style. At least for most of this week. After that, though....

Meanwhile, I did tell Whit what happened and he apologized. Hopefully he won't pull that little trick on any other unsuspecting women. He's been asking me to come over anyway. "No sex" he says. I'm all for making out and fooling around. I suspect he's asking for a BJ, but he claimed last night that he was too drunk to even bother trying any of that. Maybe he really just wanted companionship. I can offer that. To a point. But then he fell asleep so I stayed home.

So yeah. Not happy.

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