Saturday, April 29, 2006

So much happened.

So Keith was online yesterday. This morning, too. Now. I'm cheating on him by typing this. However, I just HAAAAD to write. Yesterday he told me I should get laid. Lower my standards a bit....

So there I am at work and who should walk in but the guy I accidentally came on to a while back. Who has since come on to me. I was surprised to see him because it's been something like a month or more since the last time. I said as much and he replied that he'd been hiding. He wanted to see if I'd miss him. I laughed it off.

And then I found myself flirting with him, unintentionally. Again. I mean, I was thinking "choose your words carefully, my girl... else you'll get in trouble." And I STILL managed to come across like I wanted a piece of him. I made some mention of how I almost sold someone beer (who shouldn't have it, unrelated to age) if only he'd share with me. Leave me a couple to pass the time at work. This guy suggested *I* should buy a pack and share with HIM... later. I stared at him, trying to figure out how I'd stumbled into THAT one. Later he added that I clearly needed a warm body to sleep next to. I was quiet for a second and finally said... "uh... I am married. I mentioned that, didn't I?" He told me I hadn't, which I apologized for, and then he followed it up with "... and how's that working out for you?" I hesitated and said "....okay...." not sounding terribly confident. Way to decisively put an end to that, right? Whatever. I could have nailed him.

And then at the end of my work shift I went to the other store to talk to one of my coworkers that I actually LIKE. He eventually told me that The Man I Loathe apparently offered another coworker $100 if she'd sleep with him. The thing is, this coworker is underage. And I don't like her, either. So there you go.

Anyway, it was an interesting turn of events and it makes me wish I had persued my sexual harrassment complaint. However, it's a bit late for that now and I promised my coworker I wouldn't tell, because it's not my story to tell and would come off too much as me making up stories since it'd be third-hand information. Still, I feel vindicated at least in the eyes of the one guy.

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