Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The chick.

No one really interesting came into work today. I ended up sitting down and eating lunch with this woman who comes into the store all the time with Wade. I don't talk too much about Wade anymore, I know, and therefore have probably never written anything about her. Anyway, she's older but young-spirited. Maybe not quite 40, I think. Rather a woman in her prime, if you ask me. Tattoos all over the place. I think the first time I talked to her I complimented her on one of her piercings. Over time we've talked just a bit more and I realized if she's not a lesbian she's clearly very bisexual. Never came on to me or anything, but a few things she's said has tipped me off.

Today as we ate she said something about her partner and something else about not being into men and that's where I became sure that she's not even remotely bisexual so much as straight up lesbian. And you know, it struck me that if there was any woman I would be with... this one was surely the type. Not that there's even the smallest chance that she and I would ever hook up. However, it's interesting to realize there is a woman that I'm even vaguely attracted to....

Anyway, that was kind of cool. Maybe it's a passing thing. But it's interesting....

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