This woman came into the store the other day. The store I don't like.
"I know you're not the manager or anything," she started.
I stared at her.
"...but I wanted to express my concern. You have all these young kids coming in here... most of them fresh out of Basic... and they line up at these registers. On this side you have condoms. On that side you have alcohol."
I continued to stare at her, waiting for her to get to the point and trying to convince myself that I was not hearing this.
"...and I just think it's way too tempting for them, don't you think?"
Too tempting? I stared at her, not answering. Finally, I said, "...I'll tell the manager what you said... but you can also write a customer comment if you'd like." Because I was SO not getting involved.
18 year olds (and older) fresh out of basic (sometimes) and she (because she's older) gets to decide their morality for them? I'm shocked and amazed. We have more customers than just the 18 year olds. People who buy the alocohol (and far too rarely) the condoms.
I spent the better part of the day trying to decide what she was saying, really. That we should put the condoms in a different aisle, perhaps? With the candy? The alcohol, too? Or maybe that we should put the condoms with the alcohol? Or that we should just not carry either. Nevermind that the store was there long before the 18 year olds were.
But above and beyond... I recognize that we have a national law that says if you're under 21 you can't drink in this country. Fine. But let's keep in mind that these 18 year olds have been deemed old enough to make the decision to VERY possibly DIE. Maybe they're old enough to make their own decisions about condoms and alcohol, eh?
And I just keep thinking "if having condoms means you're going to get laid... what the fuck am I doing wrong? I probably have 30 condoms around here and ALWAYS carry one with me, carefully protected from wear and harm in my purse. If only waving it about would mean that I would get automatically get laid....
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