Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Reading With One Hand

After we got home from work (at the same time, no less) we stayed up and tried to decided what to do with our night. The first order of business being... a nap. I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before and husband is exhausted from his weird schedule and classes. I crawled into bed before him and fell asleep within minutes, neither of us sharing even a touch.

I woke up before him and headed downstairs for a few minutes, getting dressed. Realizing how late it was, I went up to wake him. Upstairs, I crawled on top of the blanket, between his legs, slithering up his body the blanket still acting as a barrier. "Time to wake up," I said positioning myself so his cock, under the blanket still, was pressed between my breasts. I arched and moved against him, rubbing him up and down that way.

Finally, he moved and I moved off him. He groaned pathetically and got up, getting dressed. As he did so I grabbed a book he'd given me for Christmas two years ago. A book I'd asked for and promptly never read. I began leafing through the pages, waiting for him to finish so we could make a decision about dinner. He headed to the bathroom and then downstairs. I went to the bathroom and then back to bed.

Laying on the bed I pulled my pants down, too lazy to take them off, and began reading my book and caressing my pussy. It wasn't long before I was dipping my fingers inside to gather the wetness and rub my clit. After a few minutes of that I could feel myself getting close to cumming. Which is when I happened to look up and see my husband in the doorway.

He was glancing inside, his face a mask of shock and embarrassment. I stopped, looking at him. "I... was wondering what you were doing..." he said.

I smiled, "I'm masturbating," I informed him. As if he couldn't tell.

He stood there for another moment. "Umm...."

I inhaled deeply, "thinking about dinner?"

"Yeah.... were you... about to...?"

I thought for a second, "no, I wasn't that close."

He smiled tightly, "well... then it'll be better."

I shrugged, "so... I guess I'll finish up and we can get dinner..."

"Yeah okay," he said he turned and went back downstairs.

Maybe two minutes later, I was done. And I came downstairs in good spirits.

All the while thinking that if Keith had been husband... I somehow envision the ultimate outcome would have been very similar but the road to it would have been a hell of a lot more interesting. A hell of a lot more interesting. Dammit.

I want Keith so much. I idealize him. But I doubt he would have left me there alone, having walked in on me so close to orgasm.

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