Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Since Then

With our affection finally out in the open, between us, we've been more free to share our lives with one another. DB has become an important fixture, though the relationship is turning out to be a bit of a mine field.  Neither of us know how to actually connect with one another the way we should be able to. There are misunderstandings and fear throughout.

Meanwhile, I still have a husband. The marriage is becoming increasingly strained, of course. Not because of DB but because of my realization that "at my age" I should probably make a decision whether I want to spend the next 20 years in the same sexless relationship I'm in now. That's a big question and one I'm taking to a therapist to discuss.

It's funny how this question came up so many years ago. "Leave him" people told me (online). This won't get better.  Well, they weren't wrong.

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