Saturday, April 07, 2018


DB continues to be a Juggernaut of sorts in my life. We get together no less than twice a week, except in a few rare instances when I've been sick or he's out of town. Twice a week. The minimum that I want, sexually. Enough to take the edge off but not so much that I'm too tired or bored to enjoy it.

I'm very smitten. We're so compatible sexually it kind of blows my mind. On one hand I value my marriage and my freedom to do what I want with whom I want. On the other, I want to base my life on good sex. After all, I've based my life on no sex for so long, why not swing the opposite way?

Poor DB, though, really wants babies. And I just can't. I almost feel bad for stringing him along using him for sex and distracting him from his goals. On the other hand, I'm really probably just some entertainment while he keeps looking for miss right.

Here I am again with my unique ego, thinking I matter that much. Anyway.

I convinced him to buy a violet wand. Well, I introduced him to someone who had one who demonstrated it to DB. And so, a violet wand joined his arsenal. Oh, the fun!

Generally speaking, the power of the violet wand is fairly low. But in the right hands with the right technique it's intense. In a great way.

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