Friday, February 05, 2021

That was the end

 DB moved far away. We tried to get together a few times. He got sick so we cancelled. And then the entire world got sick.

I'd just started seeing a new man. Not really my type. But I needed someone. "This isn't going to happen if you're a bad kisser" I warned him, not at all convinced this was a good idea.  Every time my mind wanders back to the marine I kissed, once; his tongue was a dead fish in my mouth, stuck into mine a hard, jutting muscle of stillness. 

Mark, it turns out, could kiss. And so it wasn't long before we were naked. I was still nervous. His mouth on my clitoris quickly broke through that feeling to bring up stronger, more pleasant sensations. 

Now, every time he invites me to spread my legs so he can run his tongue over that sensitive spot I find myself so grateful that I took a chance and that he is a good kisser. Better than I imagined, my pussy assures me as it starts to ache, remembering.

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