Thursday, September 22, 2005

Title Here.

So, I had a really crap day today involving my dog eating some chocolate infused with espresso. I dosed him with something to make him puke and then sent him outside to do so. At which point I realised that instead of sending him just outside, I'd let him GO. So then I was forced to chase after him, which ended up not taking too long but it wasn't much fun. He never did puke, but he's not dead, either. So I guess he just really likes chocolate.

On the positive side, I bought a new camera. A lovely canon digital SLR which I can't stop playing with. Good times. However, I want a better lens than the one it comes with. I'm so picky. However, I'm still super excited to have it at all seeing as I've wanted one of the regular film type for about 5 years now. The digital is even more desirable, and I got it!

Not too much else going on, really.

This guy came in today and I couldn't figure out why he was so familiar to me. I looked at him and thought "huh, either he's not as good looking as I thought he was or I'm much pickier than I used to be." Finally, it occured to me that he wasn't memorable because I thought he was hot but because of his last name (which is a noun appropriate to our military) and because he has a big dick. Or likes roomy condoms. Whatever the case, it only struck me after he left and I thought it was pretty funny that I remembered something like that.

I haven't seen the super hot guy since my second day back... and that was only a glimpse. I miss him.

Also, the creepy guy came in at about the same time as my husband did. I tried to subtly motion to my husband that THIS was the creepy guy and to watch him please, which in husband-think meant "turn away and stare at a magazine cover until the guy leaves." *sigh*

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