Sunday, August 01, 2004

What to do...

The only guy I've ever "dated" before having sex (which is to say I haven't had sex with him yet) has invited me to spend an upcoming evening with him. Meanwhile, I mentioned this to my husband expressing something of an interest in joining this particular person (who needs a nickname but since he reads this blog he can come up with his own damned nickname). And my husband reminds me "I'm taking Tuesday off." Oh, yeah. I remember, now. And then I get "but I won't stop you from having fun... *sigh*" So now what?

Usually I take my husband at his word. It's something he taught me. When he'd ask "are you okay?" when clearly something was wrong and I'd say "No, I'm fine" he'd take me at my word and that was that. It's amazing how quickly I learned to say what I meant. Therefore, with him saying basically "go!" I should take him at his word, right?

But anyway, I'm feeling somewhat shy about everything ANYWAY so I'm having a tough time making a decision. And yet I have to make it by tonight. Fuck. No pressure or anything!

It doesn't make it any easier that I have raging hormones to dilute the issue. But then, they ARE the issue, aren't they?

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