Monday, September 20, 2004

His Buddy

Husband has a friend who at one point was attracted to me. He flirts with me much less, now, so I'm guessing he's less interested. Or I put him off. Whatever the case, it turns out that he's seeing someone else. I mean, someone besides his wife. I don't have much of a problem with that. I don't care for the lying... but it's not MY relationship. So whatever. At this point his wife knows and apparently doesn't care. Cool. I've known parts of this for months and all of this for a week.

So last night I had a dream that he was in the house. I was tired and sleeping on the couch. Husband was around, but not in the room. Someone started kissing me. I kissed him back, naturally assuming it was husband. But it wasn't. It was him, I soon realised. I had a moment of hesistation, but figured since the attraction was mutual and we'd already broken that first kiss barrier, we might as well go on.

For some reason in my entire life I've only had one dream in which I had actual penetrative sex. In this one, I did... but was so tired that I wasn't really aware of it. I "woke up" again after it was over. He told me that we'd done it. I could't remember. I wanted to do it again, this time fully aware. He whipped his cock out and put my hand on it. "Don't you remember THIS?" I shook my head. I wanted it, though.

That was about the end of the dream. I'm not sure what prevents me from having sex in my dreams. Kissing happens all the time, lots of dry humping... all that stuff. But sex? Basically, NEVER. It's very odd.

Needless to say I woke up horny.

1 comment:

dr. dave said...

Thanks for the notes, and the link.

"Exploring your sexuality through open marriage" huh? Why do you women always wind up reading my weblog? Where the hell do you hide out in "real life"??


Dr. Dave (