Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rocking the...

We went and saw Doom today. It was okay. If you like The Rock it's great. Not NEARLY enough nakedness, though.

So, of course husband's friend went with us. Originally he sat next to husband but we both told him "oh, sit over THERE" and he sat over THERE... which was next to me. So I ended up kind of snuggling against him for warmth (well, and companionship) the entire movie. I was somewhat snuggled with husband too, which made for a warmth threesome. The weather has turned colder unexpectedly and I needed me some body heat.

By the end of the movie we were all but holding hands. I kept finding my fingers idly touching his palm with my fingers, caressingly. Just barely. So he did the same thing back. Which caused me to be utterly distracted. A few times his hand found my thigh. Which of course, distracted me even MORE.

Good times.

After the movie we all wandered around and I made it a point to touch husband's friend a few more times. Eventually we ended up at the bookstore (where husband wanted to go) and his friend decided to leave. We both told husband he should go... but he wouldn't. "Okay, bye now, honey!" I said. His friend said "yeah, BYE now. You go look at your books. We'll be back in a while...." Etc. But husband just wouldn't leave. So that was that.

Afterward I asked husband "does it bother you that I want to hook up with your friend?" He said no. Keep in mind this is an often asked and answered question in the house and I'm entirely comfortable that husband has expressed exactly ZERO concern over the whole thing. Then I asked "so... why wouldn't you leave?" "Well, I couldn't tell if you were serious." "We told you to go." "Yeah well... you should have just said what you wanted." "I think we did. Like, 'Okay, you go, I'll be there in a while.'" Then he laughed. We talked for a while more about it and it left me laughing, both at him and at his sense of humor. Finally I told him "I think you were jealous... that we were going to spend time together. Alone. Without you. I think you weren't jealous of ME but of HIM... you didn't want to miss anything funny he would say or whatever." He couldn't really deny that.

Figures. Husband doesn't care if I fuck his friend... he just doesn't want his friend and I to hang out together without him.

Who knows what'll happen. Maybe nothing. But it certainly is amusing.

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