Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So little time...

So yesterday I woke up early, but it turns out it wasn't quite early enough to get me to work on time. I was only a couple of minutes late, but if there's one thing I loathe it's tardiness. I'm NEVER late. In fact if anything I'm usually about 20 minutes early. This really doesn't have much to do with much, but I have to point out that my commute to work takes about an hour. Because of traffic. The same is true for my commute home. Unless it's during non-rush-hour traffic at which point it takes about 20 minutes.

Once I got home I lay down pretty much immediately. For a 20 minute nap. I woke up several hours later to force myself to go to the store. And then came back home and went to sleep.

I sleep all the time. Hopefully once all the learning is done I'll be able to stay awake when I'm not FORCED to. Because this sucks....

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