Thursday, June 08, 2006

Workin' it out.

When I go to the gym I generally spend a lot of time in the weight machine room rather than in the free weight room. And then, of course, the cardio room. At this point I'm mostly sticking with weights because I think too many hours on the elliptical is messing with my feet. Anyway, not the point.

I've become less than enthused with the preacher curl machine. It just doesn't fit me and I've been arguing that it was my own fault. However, more and more I'm reasonably sure it has nothing to do with my actions but more my shape versus the shape of the machine.

So, I hunted down Hawk and asked him if there was a preacher curl machine in the free weight room. He told me there was and I asked him shyly if he'd please show me. Which he did. He was in the middle of some leg workout (actually in another room chatting and doing not much of anything when I went looking for him) so he sat down at a nearby machine and started using it while I tried to figure out exactly how I fit on this machine. Finally I called him over and had to ask him "wait... okay... so you've seen other girls use this machine, right?" He agreed. "So... umm.... where do they put their boobs?!?" I looked away shyly at then back as he kind of rolled his eyes good naturedly and explained that the pad should be underneath. I followed his advice and sighed heavily, vaguely embarrassed to be putting them on display that way. He said nothing and went back to working out.

So, I do have a new machine that I think I might love. Other than having to put my tits on a shelf to use it.

...the girl in the picture doesn't have HER boobs on a shelf. Then again, it's a different machine....

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