Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tryst Planned

When I left the house on Sunday I pointedly picked up some condoms in front of husband. "You know, just in case, right?" I said. He nodded his agreement and that was the end of the conversation.

I ended up turning down my date for last night. Mostly because I hardly slept at all on Sunday (though I lay in bed all night) and had to wake up early Monday. The lack of sleep did NOT serve me well over the course of my very, very boring day. So, when I got back to the hotel I made one trip to the local mall to buy a small laptop mouse, then returned to order room service, and spend the rest of the night in bed, fast asleep. I'm utterly amazed I managed to sleep as long as I did. But it was good for me.

I did go online for a bit last night and ran into DJ there. He said he was willing (apparently more than willing) to take the drive from his place to the place I'm staying. It strikes me as a ridiculous amount of driving for sex considering how much closer I actually live, but I suppose despite the distance the free hotel stay is hard to turn down.

So, assuming he remains willing to take the drive (in what I remember as being a super sweet car... poor thing having to drive such a nice car such a long way) I shall have a story to relate tonight. Hopefully a good one. Because frankly, I could use a good story. (Although I'll still need a normal amount of sleep!)

Although if I DO have a good story... it's just going to make me want more good stories. And it's been what... a year and a half since the last time I saw him? That won't work next time since I'll be cross-country.

Just struck me this might very well be the last time I see him. Weird.

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