Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I appreciate the complete lack of sympathy there. Fuck all y'all that read and couldn't say "wow, that sucks" or anything else. And for those who read after this particular message... well, you're off the hook.

Moving on.

Rod... I don't know wtf is wrong with your blog and my internet explorer but they've never gotten along. For instance your most recent post has at least three comments. I can only read the first two and maybe part of the third... and certainly can't make my own comment because the page cuts off no matter how many times I reload or change the shape and size of my window. I blame your blog because it's the ONLY one that does it. What's it's problem? Anyway. I don't know if I'm the only one having the problem but I thought I'd let you know it was one in case you didn't know. I'd have e-mailed you privately but I didn't see an e-mail address... and I couldn't scroll down to a comment button. So.

I'm generally low-grade depressed. But, it'll get better.

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