Monday, April 17, 2006


I was going to say "wide awake" but that's just not true....

Husband is still in bed. I've been awake for almost an hour. Allergies... and stress... suck. So I woke up and I lay there thinking "gee, this is a lot like how I feel when I try to sleep in a new bed." Utterly tired but unable to sleep. Fun. Not.

So I got up in the vain hope that maybe Keith would be online. It's early evening where he is. But no... of course he's not there. I miss him though.

I get to take the car in today. I heard from EB that he was alone all day yesterday and I could have gone to see him. Of course he tells me this at the END of the day, when of course, there's no chance of me going to see him. But it didn't much matter anyway because the car is just barely limping along and there was no way I was taking THAT on the freeway. Still, while it's gratifying to have him finally express interest in me again it's really annoying that he does it when it's so inconvenient....

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