Saturday, April 15, 2006

Early Morning.

I can't remember exactly why, but while attempting to keep things light... and somehow just in the moment I asked husband if he realizes how long it's been since we had sex. At least 9 months, I'd say. Maybe a year. He told me he'd been considering that earlier. "That's too long," he admitted. But no effort on his part has been made to change the situation. I can't say as I'm anymore inclined now than I have been in the last few months....

I still think about Keith all the time. Which should be pretty evident from the previous post. I think about him a lot more than I have any business thinking about him. Not because he'd save my from my life or be the perfect partner for me... but the sex was incredible. INCREDIBLE. And I feel like I could use another dose. Or five of that.

I'm seriously tempted to find someone to fuck just in the hopes that it could even closely match that. I haven't heard from DJ lately and for some reason EB's being quite reticent again, too. So no sex from those quarters.

I heard from one of my fellow bloggers who's always expressed vague interest. But somehow much as I generally like him I've never been motivated in that direction when it comes to him. It's one of those things I could do just for the sake of it... but that doesn't sound very fun to me right now. Not much does.

Besides being utterly sad about the lack of Keith in my life, I find I'm just very disappointed about all of my beloved cops disappearing so completely not to mention my lack of anything from Sam or Mason or the million other guys I crave to fuck.... The disappointment turns very inward. I lose faith and confidence.

I won't even mention how disappointed I've been with the lack of results working my ass off in the gym for the last month or so. I'll stick with it, no worries. There are more minute pleasures to be had in going than looking for a change in my figure....

Also, UFC rocks. But it's way expensive.

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