Sunday, July 23, 2006

What up.

So we bought a new car. And it occurs to me that if I had sex in that car... it'd be very easy for the whole world to see because of the size and location of the windows. Not that it'll ever come up, I think.

Why is it when people start talking about what's important in a sexual relationship I immediately start thinking about my two nights with Keith and ALWAYS try to think of what was so great those nights? It's terribly distracting.

Keith messaged me the other day and I got to sit and waste an hour of his time. It was really great to hear from him again. Things appear to be pretty much the same with him as ever. High stress, busy. That sort of thing. His life is pretty different from mine and I find that sexy. I'm not sure I want THAT life... but the difference is very attractive. He thinks we'll get another night together before I move. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm surely going to try hard to make sure we DO get another night together, hopefully, before years and years pass. I'm sure it'd be a terribly romantic story to be parted for years and all that... but the romance always sounds better when it happens to someone ELSE....

Also, I dyed my hair dark brown again. I think it's the darkest I've dyed it since I started dying it in the first place. Really close to my natural color. Feels weird. I look in the mirror and it's almost like I'm looking at my high school self again. Knowing that I'll be back in my home state (or the one next to it, which is so similar) I'm getting really excited... and feeling a bit like my "old self" again. I feel... younger somehow. Certainly less mature!

Late-20's crisis, anyone?

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