Friday, October 15, 2004

Lesbian Dreams

I'm not sure why I'm suddenly having dreams... or why they're suddenly all sexual. But more importantly I'm absolutely confused as to why I'm having so many lesbian dreams lately?!?

Last night I had a dream about being in a haunted house. As I was wandering around I stumbled on a ghostly orgy involving a couple of ghosts and a few humans. I was absolute stunned and stood watching from a doorway, undetected for a long time. I found myself becoming incredibly aroused so I slipped back into the room I'd been coming out of, unbuttoned my jeans and began rubbing my clit. I was enjoying the sensation when I heard the orgy breaking up. Suddenly this ghostly woman came toward me. She was hot, looked rather like a Bratz doll... only normal. She came over to me, slinking... "I can do that for you..." she slid down so her face was at the level of my pussy. "...just take off your pants..." as I struggled to do that, I woke up.

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