Monday, September 11, 2006

Love Hate

I have this love hate relationship with the shower. Just like any child and the bathtub, I never want to get in. But once I'm in... I really don't want to get out. This is most especially true of showers taken at odd times during the day. I'm pretty solidly a morning-shower-er. Any morning after the alarm goes off I can pretty immediately be found stumbling toward the bathroom, towel in hand. However, if the alarm doesn't go off because I'm off work that day... I wake up and lay in bed, mentally complaining about the general unfairness of the world and how there's a million things I'd rather do than shower. Meanwhile, if I end up taking an afternoon shower for whatever reason... it is often one of the most pleasurable, sensual experiences ever.

And why am I talking about this? Because I just went through the whole "I don't WAAAAAANT to shower" thing. And then did. And it was nice. As usual.

Meanwhile, I was supposed to have a "hot date" for tonight. He asked me early on about people I've met via AFF canceling on me in real life. He asked me if that was fairly common and what my experiences with it were. Mostly non-existent to tell the truth. But it happens. I promised him I wasn't the sort to cancel without either a good reason or at least some warning. Based on the fact that I haven't heard from him in a couple of days, one must assume I should have taken his questions about the flakiness of the folks on AFF as a warning that he, too, is flaky rather than concern on his part that I might be.

So he may or may not contact me today, but the lack of contact in the last couple of days irritates me something terrible.

Lastly, yesterday husband and I lazed around for most of the day, making up for the day-trip we took on Saturday. He was upstairs, gathering up some needed laundry. I followed him and sprawled out on the bed trying to look inviting. He joined me and we snuggled sideways on the bed, under the covers. I let my hand drift down to the crotch of his shorts. I rubbed it slowly, tentatively, letting my fingers do equal work on his balls as on the shaft. I got him hard. Very hard. Then I snuggled up closer. I didn't try to kiss him. I just wanted to make sure I could still make him hard, even if it was all manual stimulation.

We lay in bed for a while after that, the dogs joined us, snuggling close, too. There was no sleep. There was no sex. But it was closeness. Eventually, I got up and we went downstairs, life returning to normal once again.

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