Monday, September 18, 2006

Things with Trian

Trian came in and talked to me a little bit today. It was nice seeing him again. He told me a bunch of stuff going on. Including that the woman he's been seeing as a fuck-buddy type has done what he'd hoped she wouldn't do. Early on they decided to have a sexual realtionship. Apparently he's been pretty up front that they could be friends and they could have sex but it wasn't a romantic relationship. He mentioned something to her about another woman (not me) and apparently he watched her face change. Ah, jealousy. Apparently she went on to profess her feelings for him. Feelings he doesn't return even remotely. It's just too soon for that.

This is a woman I warned him about early on in our conversations. He told me he was afraid she was going to get too attached and I told him he needed to risk breaking her heart and really letting her know there was nothing there for him outside of the sex. Which he said he'd already done. At this point I want to tell him he needs to stop seeing her altogether. Because I just don't see that she's going to be able to see the difference between their fuck-buddy relationship and a romantic relationship as long as she's in and out of his bed.

Unfortunately, giving up regular, good sex is a damned hard thing to do. He's had to do a lot of hard things lately. Hopefully he'll be able to figure this one out for himself....

Meanwhile, he looked vaguely sheepish and asked me what my schedule was this week. I told him and he told me, obviously referring to the fact that I haven't been invited back to his place that "it's just been hard." I shrugged, unable to communicate my vague sense of hurt and irritation. He thinks he's different from other men... and he is... but he shares that annoying quality of just being able to completely ignore a sex partner until he needs something from them again.... I don't know if I can even express it properly here. What's in my head. But it's annoying to me in a way only men can be. None the less, I do understand he's going through a lot of drama in his life and I'm not looking to add to it. I'm not going to be around long enough for any of it to matter, really.

Anyway. So that's the latest on Trian.

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