Thursday, September 14, 2006

Oh hormones...

I got my period this morning. It caught me off guard. I mean, I really was half expecting to skip this month. Apparently, though, my body just felt like messing with me. Obviously I don't know it half as well as I think I do. Maybe that was it's plan all along. Considering the brain is a long-term inhabitant of the body, you'd think the body would be more up front about things that are going on. Unfortunately, it's really not. I feel a vague sense of constant war between my personality and my body. Each trying to control the other. I'm pretty sure my body is winning the war. PMS being an excellent example....

I sent a text to Whit last night but he never answered. Still hasn't. It's generally the night before I get my period that I become voraciously horny. I might very well have torn that boy apart if he'd have given me a call back. Instead I ended up masturbating and quite enjoying myself. Not as good as fucking but what can I do?

Trian on the other hand DID actually text me yesterday. When he came into the store I saw him but was in a different area. I barely caught a glance of him and that was all. A while later he came in again and I could have said something but chose to ignore him instead. The third time he came in (which is about 1 time more than is normal for him) I started to ignore him but ended up standing directly in front of him, about ten feet apart. "Didn't I forbid you to come in here?" I asked, teasingly. He smiled at that.

Later in the evening I thought to check my phone and sure enough he'd texted me twice. Once to ask "no hello?" and the second to ask a similar question. Despite the fact it was now about 6 hours later I texted him back letting him know I was punishing him, etc. Just a couple of texts back and forth but I think we're on good terms again. The important part was that he'd finally not only added me to his fucking cell list but that he'd taken the time to text me on his own. Exactly the thing to do to get me over my bitterness.

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