Saturday, September 02, 2006

The pre story.

So when I spent part of the day yesterday talking to Trian. He was bored at work so he came to the store and talked to me for a very long time. It was really interesting and really distracting. I got nothing done. Luckily, I'm the next person to work in the store so only I'll really know how little I did. Regardless, we talked for a very long time. About a lot of things. Other women, mostly, it seems like.

He told me he could spend the evening with the woman he's been entertaining for a few weeks but he kind of didn't want to and was thinking about telling her "no". I let some time pass before I finally asked him if perhaps he'd like to spend the evening with me. He considered and then told me "well, tonight I have this thing-" I cut him off utterly floored and offended and told him "you can't sit there and tell me you don't want to go see this other woman and pretend you suddenly have something planned you want to do. If you don't want to, I'm okay with that. I know you didn't want to be alone and I know you weren't all that excited about seeing her. But telling me 'no' isn't going to break my heart. You wouldn't be the first guy I've asked out in this store and been refused by. It's NOT a big deal."

A few moments later a customer came in and Trian excused himself to the bathroom. When he came back he told me that he'd be okay with spending the evening with me but "what do you want to do?" I shrugged and told him "I don't really know." "okay... but... what kind of plans do you have?" I shrugged again and told him I wasn't terribly picky. I could see he was getting vaguely frustrated which is when I recognized what he was actually asking. "Oh, I'm not trying to seduce you or anyhing! I just like talking to you." He smiled at that and asked " do you want to come over to my place?" "Sure," I said. He gave me directions and asked what time. We agreed upon a time and he added "that way you can get something to eat, take a shower, and relax..."

He left shorly afterward and I thought "...take a shower...?" Wondering if he'd actually heard me say "I'm trying to seduce you" rather than what I'd ACTUALLY said which was "I'm NOT trying to seduce you." However, being the good and obediant woman I am, when I got home I took a shower. You never know, afterall.

And then I headed out.

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