Tuesday, March 22, 2005

No sex.

Since this has become my sole blog (and I haven't been keeping a paper journal) this has become my only outlet for my writing. Mostly it's okay that it's about sex. Today, not so much. I need to whine.

Years ago I had a pet rat. She was exceptionally important to me as a pet, so much so that I snuck her on a plane to travel cross country with her. About a year and a half later she died and it was heartbreaking for me. Of course I was prepared for her death but it was still very difficult to see her go and it still has the ability to upset me.

Fast forward to two months ago. Wandering through a pet store I came across a rat in need of adoption. Someone gave her up to the store so they'd find her a home. I decided to be that home and named her Min. However, with two dogs it's been difficult to give her the time and attention she needs. And rats, being very social creatures, really need a lot of attention.

Fast forward again to last night. I'd already decided to get Min a companion. I bought a larger cage (over $100 worth of cage, I might add) and then had to rush from one pet store to another before they closed trying to find another female rat. Success occurred 8 minutes before that particular store closed.

I took a huge chance and put together the new cage and moved both rats in without introduction. There were a few small tiffs but nothing serious. I watched them well into the night and discovered while they tollerated one another they wouldn't sleep together. I put the white box the second rat had been in into the cage. And as Min climbed over it, discovered blood. I checked her out thoroughly but could find no source. I put her back... and more blood. Watery. I continued to watch and came to discover it's coming from either her vagina or her bladder. Whatever the case may be, that's not normal healthy rat behavior. She's either got an infection or a tumor. And either has the possibility of being fatal.

How pissed off am I going to be if Min dies right after I got her a companion? The two are sleeping together now, having made friends while I was asleep.

I won't be heartbroken if she dies. Just disappointed.

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