Monday, March 07, 2005

Score! Sorta.

I did go and buy the chamoise cube I mentioned earlier. The exact one shown, actually. Although in store they have a few other covers on it. This one matches the decor in the living room so. There you go.

I'm not so sure much is going to come of it, but I told husband to position himself on it and tried the fit and it's really perfect. In fact, if it had the extra four inches the Liberator cube boasts, it would be too tall for both myself and the furniture. I was on top... and there was no familiar cramping at the hip or anything. I'm so digging the idea of this.

I lay across husband and moved over him, and kissed him a few times. "This is GREAT," I told him. "I could fuck the hell out of you like this!" After a few moments I got up. "Let me know when we can use this," I said.

And that will be that. I'm sure.

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