Thursday, November 04, 2004

Aw. Where the nookie?

I said I needed lots of sex to get over the Bush victory. I get none. And it's really not going to be looking much better for me coming up. Husband shall be moving to a schedule very much the opposite of mine. In fact, he'll probably be waking me up to go to work when he gets home. Yucky.

Neither of us is what one might call a "morning person." Actually, now that I consider it he also gets grumpy late at night. So he's perhaps not an "awake person." Meanwhile, I'm DEFINATELY a night person. So, it really should be interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Sadly, his new schedule probably isn't going to do much to free up time for me to have the house to myself or go have sex with random (or rather carefully chosen) strangers. Not that I really need freed up time, but it does make it easier.

Hey, DJ what're you doing Saturday night? :-D

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