Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Missed Meeting

I was supposed to go see a movie with a guy I've been trying to get with for a while. He said it was at "8-ish" so I was aiming for leaving the house right about 7:45 or so since I needed to get gas and the theater was close by and at worst I'd miss the previews.

The movie started at 7:45 which I discovered at about 7:35. I still had to get gas. Fuck. I let him know I was late. I even called later on. Nothing, which seems reasonable.

I got there and got a ticket to the 8:45 movie. I went inside. And watched the end of the movie that started just after 6. Right movie. WRONG TIME. Shit. So I ran into the right theater and took the first seat available. Needless to say I never did run into him and once the credits were done I left the theater and texted him twice. And called him twice. And got no response. I'm still wondering what's up. I was hoping he'd come online but nothing. So disappointing.

I hope he's not mad but it's really not completely my fault and I was there. Ugh. I just hate coming off as not being dependable. I'm usually very careful about being on time. It was an honest mistake. HE was the one that said 8-ish so how was I to know it was BEFORE 8? I'd assumed it started AFTER. Silly me.


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