Saturday, January 15, 2005


I'm watching Sex and the City. Lots of it. On Demand rules.

What I'm realising more and more is that I love sex. But I also like being treated like a person. Thus, I tend to find myself most attracted to men who can be sexy without being crass. I think it's a tough line for most to find. I certainly have a problem with it. I think I tend to either sound completely not at all sexy... or completely crass. Although I can't say for sure.

The other day in Nashville I got to talking with one of the vendors. I was checking out the merchandise he was representing and he walked up behind me and told me "don't touch it!" I glanced over at him and back at the items in question. "What if I do," I asked. "I'd have to spank you," he told me. Of course, what with the way I am... I glanced back at him under my lashes with a shy smile, "really?" I'm sure he must have been momentarily flustered before he said, "Yes." I smiled a little broader, considering reaching for one of the items when he told me "let me see your hand." I held it out to him, curious as he took it and slapped the back of it gently. "Don't make me do it again." I laughed openly and wandered to my seat to wait for class to begin.

Later, we ran into each other again. It was less successfully flirtatious.

Maybe I'll share the rest later. Or not.

However, I couldn't help but be proud of myself for managing to flirt. And not lose my cool.

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