Monday, August 28, 2006

The less sweet things.

Being the sort of honest person I am, I was thinking about a few of the things that happened with Whit. The things that just make the whole experience so god damned... human. Things that bring a smirk to my face.

Like the fact that I'm very concerned about being caught out with Whit (and his apparent complete lack of concern) and him meeting me outside his place wearing nothing but jeans. Which I know I mentioned in the post. I mean, men don't generally go out to bring women into their "apartments" shirtless unless there's an expectation of getting more naked, I think. He has no sense of shame when it comes to his sexuality and apparently feels like it's really nobody's (or is it everybody's?) business who he's fucking.

Or the fact that when I went into his place it was completely dark save the light cast by his laptop screen. Which wasn't all that much since a movie was on with all it's dark scenes. And I got to find my way to a place to put my keys, wallet, and phone down.

Or that I lay down on his bed, trying to snuggle against him but found myself woefully unable to do so comfortably AND watch the movie... only to complain that he needs to get more pillows. "What? I have three," he said without guile, looking at me from his comfortably pillow propped position. I stared at him in the near complete darkness. "Right here," he finally said, reaching back behind the bed to where they were piled on the floor, uselessly. Moments later, they were knocked back into their home on the floor.

Or, after he came, the way he lay there for a few moments and I wondered "should I be touching him? should I NOT be touching him!?" trying to figure out the best way to help him recover from his orgasm without actually asking him. And trying to figure out which is worse, assuming he doesn't want to snuggle or being TOLD he doesn't want to snuggle? With me, anyway.

Or when he finally got up and walked over to the door and flipped on the glaringly bright light without warning, blinding me quite effectively.

Or a few minutes later when he flipped the light back off and led me out into the apparent pitch blackness of the living room, leaving me behind at his bedroom door as if I was going to find my way to the front door by myself. In the dark. Not knowing the layout. Thankfully, with my hesitantly whispered "umm... bye...." he came back through the darkness to help me trip over something indeterminate on my way to the front door.

It's the little things, really. Keeps me honest.


...I really want to snuggle.

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