Thursday, August 03, 2006

More about chickens.

After last night's fun with the very bumpy, very "sticky" vibrator I'm sore as hell. My arms, my back, my neck, and the now swollen, sensitive skin inside. Good times. If I can't get fucked... at least I can fuck myself, I say. This, of course, puts me out of comission until at least tomorrow. You know, tomorrow when I have chance of getting fucked.

So let's put things together. AFF might have done me right for once. I found a rather normal guy. I can't say as I know him very well but he's very local. The problem being that he's married. Not really my cup of tea. I pretty much promised myself I'd stop being the god damned other woman. But it turns out I'm just a bad person. So to all those women out there angry at their husband's mistresses... hey... that's me! *sigh* I really loathe cheating I really do. But for whatever reason I can usually find a way to justify it in my head. In the case of this guy, though, I haven't even bothered to ask WHY he's cheating. I might. Or I might not.

Anyway, he's my most likely candidate. Depending how our schedules align he might even come here to the house. Unbeknowst to husband, of course, because he really wouldn't like it in the house. But when he stopped fucking me I kind of figure he gave up the right to complain. I'd like to have some good RECENT memories in that bed....

Another choice is a guy who happens to also be quite local. Young, attractive... kind of reminds me of the ex in a way. (Although let me tell you, there's a guy who comes into the store who looks almost EXACTLY like the ex. Like, shockingly so.) While I don't generally find myself attracted to guys who're younger than me, I find him appealing. Mentally we seem pretty compatible and that makes the idea of sex that much more pleasant....

Oh, yeah, and he totally googled my "name" and found this site. Ha! He claims to have not read it. I'll take his word for it, but I wouldn't be able to resist. Fuck, no. I'm nosy as hell when it comes to these things.

Lastly is another guy I met on AFF. An attractive fellow who also lives fairly close by. Up until recently he mostly just annoyed me. That alone keeps me from really doing anything. But sometimes one doesn't HAVE to have a close mental match to have some pretty fucking good sex. I was very close to going to see him last night to take care of that need I was feeling. Luckily, self gratification managed to blunt the edge of my need and I can be a little more thoughtful about who and what it is I really want to do.

And on a completely unrelated note, how come Stevie Wonder isn't still coming up with hits? He's really such an amazing singer/songwriter. I'm continually surprised by how many songs by him I know and love. Most recently "Higher Ground."

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