Thursday, November 24, 2005

Yesterday, the good.

So, I think I mentioned I got my hair cut. Husband commented on it but then he knew what I was going off to do. No one else commented on it. Not one single person. Not one. Except Wade.

Wade came into the store, his eyes bloodshot and red rimmed. God knows that man must never sleep and I'm curious about the story on that. However, he came in and I smiled at him knowing the effect my attention has on him. He smiled back and stopped, "You look nice today." I smiled broader "of course I do," I said, "I just got my hair cut for the first time in like years." He nodded, "I noticed!"
It makes it clear, THIS is a man who notices me. And that's really fucking hot.

So we chatted a little and I found out he had no plans for Thanksgiving and I felt really bad because how much did I long to invite him over but couldn't deal with the idea of husband and him in the same house. Besides, much as I find Wade to be kind of... interesting... we don't really know one another socially so much so it'd be an awkward way to start, if you ask me.

Wade left and a few hours later returned. I smiled at him again and said something like "you're back!" He smiled and looked at some merchandise idly "yes, I came back to see you. That's why I come here. And you're getting to be very expensive." I laughed at that, "GETTING to be? I AM expensive," I grinned.

We didn't have much more conversation after that. However, it pleased me to no end that he came back. And that he said that. Because compliments will get him everywhere. Well, maybe not. But it does endear him to me.

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