Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Last night I apparently was very busy dreaming. Probably trying to make up for the last few near sleepless nights. Lots of dreams, being accused of stealing makeup... being unable to find the jewelry counter in a store... I even had a dream about Keith. Less interesting than one might hope, though.

In the dream Husband was flipping through the channels and some show was on that I made him stop for. Keith was on, talking about his love of a woman who lived very far from him and how he wanted to surprise her because she wasn't expecting to see him and blah blah blah. Except he wasn't talking about me.

The cameras followed him in his disguise (prosthetic face appliances and all) to the girl's desk at work where he revealed himself to her. Obviously she was surprised and excited. And I sat there watching, washed in heartache and jealousy. But with Husband my only witness I tried to keep my breathing normal, my face impassive. And thought "wow, this is the first time he's ever seen Keith. I wonder what he thinks...?"

The dream ended pretty quickly after that. Apparently it was enough for my brain to force me to witness their loving, happy reunion, knowing I'd never get to experience one of my own. At least I didn't wake up crying about it. I'm really grateful that in real life I won't have to witness anything like that because, as I discovered, it's hopelessly cruel.

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