Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mmm. Mens.

This guy came in and bought one of the Playboy news stand specials (NSS). I forget which one. As always I asked if he wanted a bag. He agreed that he did. I said nothing about his purchase. But thought "ha... NSS, eh? Well. No question what he'll be doing with that." As he left I told him "have a good night" and waited until he was well gone before I cracked up because of COURSE he was going to have a good night. Good looking guy, too. *dreamy sigh*

Another customer (one of my regulars) came in around that time and thought I was very strange. So I explained what the deal was. "I really don't CARE what people buy but you know... it's funny as hell when I tell them to have a good night and then consider the implications...." So we ended up having a long talk about what people buy and somehow I found out more than I needed to know about his sex life (namely that he's sexually active and has been rather busy since about 18, before which... not so much). He can't be too much over 21 if he's even that. And I laughed as he told me how he started getting very busy around 18 "because... you know... for a guy...." Just way too much info. But it was cute. Totally not my type. Funny conversation, none the less.

The gym manager was there, as he often is. I was on the stair stepper feeling really stupid because I'm reasonably sure I was doing it wrong, somehow. But I swear to god I could't figure out how. Turns out he has no idea how to use it, either. Which make me laugh. And mock him. So he left the room (his own personal walk of shame) and I switched to the elliptical. A few minutes later he came back and took the elliptical next to me. Of course, he had to take it next to SOMEONE so it might as well be someone he knows, right? I didn't talk to him since I'm all about music while I workout but it was a bit distracting. As was having a really hot looking guy come in to use a machine to my right (further over but just in my peripheral vision). I worked out trying to keep the huge-ass grin off my face as my heart rate skyrocketed. Highly amusing. Next time I may have to tell the manager NOT to work out next to me because it fucks up my heart rate....

Sam did not show up. Since I really wasn't expecting him (because he SAID he'd be there meant to me that he would NOT show up) I wasn't terribly disappointed. I might be terribly disappointed if he doesn't show up tomorrow, however, since I absolutely WON'T see him for the next 9 days (or more). Well, unless I happen to be at the gym at the same time as him. Which isn't terribly likely. Plus I think he's totally a weight room rat and I won't go in there with all the guys during the busy times....

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