Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Nils showed up.  As did some of the other cops.  Apparently someone got the story wrong, so while they're inconvenienced to come here, it's not that big of a deal.  In fact, it appears to be retaliation from some general who earned a ticket and couldn't get out of it.  So they're just now allowed to park in a certain area and several of them are whining about it.  Mostly, I think it's just funny.

So yeah, Nils came in.  And he's among those who told me the real story.

Anyway, we talked a very little bit and I'm not sure what his deal was but clearly he was kind of pissy today.  I'm not sure if it was because of the thing or if he's just feeling pissy.  Doesn't help that I'm pissy today, too.  So he commented on some news story and I had to ask him what he was talking about.  He showed me and I asked him why it mattered.  "Were you ever in the service?" He asked.  I replied that I had not and he kind of rolled his eyes.  "No disrespect," he said. 

I stared at him, "obviously it's something you feel passionate about.  I was just curious why.  I wasn't arguing."

But he refused to elaborate.  For no apparent reason.  Which only served to irritate me.  Excuse me for wanting to carry on a conversation.  So whatever.  I mean, it's not that big of a deal but you know, with PMS it kind of is.

So, yeah.  Also, I got my schedule for next week.  And I work two mornings with the guy I loathe.  Alone.  Great.  Just GREAT. 

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