Sunday, February 26, 2006

Short-ish Before Bed

I was going to bed. But decided to check to see if Keith was around. Alas, he is not. Or he's not admitting to it via messanger. Damn him. However, every minute I spend writing is another minute he has a chance to show up online....

I had a chat with Troy tonight. Very, very interesting. And revealing. And funny. And maddening. All at the same time. Men, I tell you. I will share when I'm awake.

I went to see EB. And he said something about this blog. And I remember giving him the address on a whim after talking about it a few times. And him telling me he doesn't read it and won't. Except I think he's a damned liar, now. I was reasonably sure that he was a damned liar when he said it but promptly forgot about it until he mentioned it today. "You're going to write about me," he said. And inside I had to laugh because a part of my mind really was thinking "how am I going to write about this...?" Except I told him "no I'm not!" Except of course I am now. And will again. After I get some sleep. Less of the gory details and more the stuff that struck me as important at the time. And there were certainly a few things....

A short comment on EB's nickname... it's painfully obvious how and why I came across his nickname if you know him. Initials are hard to miss. I'm sure he would prefer something more catchy and exciting. However, his nickname was one of the first I was forced to come up with and I wasn't very clever back then. Nicknames were less about other people's perceptions and more about keeping people straight in my head. Now... well... I could pick a new one but would I still be able to keep things straight in my head...?

Morning is already here and I wanted to be up a few hours from now. So, I shall adjourn to the bedroom and contemplate all the details in the minute it takes me to pass the fuck out.

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