Wednesday, February 08, 2006

That doesn't make sense

Needless to say no one actually makes sense to me these days.  Nils came in as I returned from my daily consistutional during my lunch time.  And as I walked up he started singing "here she comes.. Miss America..." as a female cop looked on.  It was very odd.  But I was encouraging.  Because why wouldn't I encourage him to pay attention to me?  I'm not dumb.  Still, I wish he'd just come on to me.  Except maybe the whole "married" thing is holding him back.  Trying to be honorable... semper fi and all that crap.  Not that he was a marine... but he did go to a marine training school, apparently....

Meanwhile, I heard from Martin finally.  Apparently his girlfriend is moving in with him.  Like... now, essentially.  When that all came about I can't say.  However, I find it hard to imagine that he JUST discovered this fact which means dude did with me on Saturday what he did, knowing full well he wouldn't be taking futher advantage of our arrangement.  Which is fine, I guess.  But in my opinion really beyond rude.  At least be up front with me, you know?  But whatever.

He thinks he's going to be happy.  I'm not convinced, although I hope he is....

So I sit here waiting for Sam to come in.  And think that perhaps he won't, tonight, just as he didn't the last two days.  There's another guy who doesn't make a lot of sense....

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