Tuesday, February 14, 2006


This morning I bought something online to pick up at the physical store. When I got there I spent a half hour discovering that they didn't actually HAVE the item. I suspect they might have actually had it but no one knew where it was. That's my suspicion. Whatever the case, they refunded my money to me and I left, pissed. More disappointed than pissed as I was sure this item was going to solve all my problems.

Then I had my crappy day. After work I went home and we headed to another store that ought to have the item. THEY had it. Thank god. So after we bought the item we headed to eat something for a late dinner. We settled on one of our mutually favorite treats, which I just discovered I can't reveal because apparently it's a regional thing. Which upsets me a lot more than I care to consider. It's one thing Seattle is sorely lacking. But I digress.

A return home and a quick hookup of the item... and it turns out all our prayers have been answered. We're still having the cable guy come out and we're going to put everything back how it was... but once he's gone we'll have an extra amazing signal, we will....

So what started out as a crap-tastic day has actually turned out to be made much better by the mere addition of the internet. And food. Mmm. Food.

As for sex... well... it's Valentine's day... but husband is husband... so there wasn't even a hint of it. Or romance. But I knew about the later BEFORE I married him, so it's all good....

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