Monday, February 06, 2006

A second post from work.

Let's see.  Cute boy came in today.  Last time he came in I laughed at his photo on his ID and I realized later that even though I'd pointed out that was not photogenic (and he agreed) he might have taken that to mean I thought he was ugly.  So today I mocked him for his ID again but this time added "hey, not like I'm saying you're not cute but man... this picture..."  I didn't actually look at him while I said it so I might have missed out on a good reaction.
Meanwhile, Sam came in early.  I'm still expecting him a second time because he SAID he'd be back.  But yeah... I trust THAT, right?  Nils, however, did not make an appearance.  Which upset me terribly because I so look forward to seeing him every day.  Just as I have for months.  No telling if I'll ever actually say anything to him but... well... the thought is there, right?  Counts for something?
I talked to Keith this morning.  More on that later.  I have much to say on the subject.  It's not neccessarily bad... but I feel the need to write about it.  Because that's what I do.  It was certainly an interesting way to start the day.

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