Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dream and Hair

This morning at 4:41 I woke up from a dream about the mummy. From, of course.... The Mummy (and The Mummy Returns). I was, of course, the female lead. I was breifly the male lead, but ultimately, I was the female. It was really a frightening dream involving a mummy/Aliens character chasing us around a maze made of sand. The maze was two stories tall and only wide enough for one person to move shoulders held at an angle. On certain parts of the first story there was sand on four sides, leaving those in the maze only forward and back. On other parts there was open air above. Everything was very dark with only the slightest illumination.

Upon entrance the maze began to MOVE (a la Alien vs Predator) but I think my brain found that to be too taxing to maintain so the maze stopped moving. I ran into the enemy a few different times but was able to lose him and by the end of the dream he was merely an unseen looming threat rather than something chasing me. So, instead I began to focus on figuring a way out of the maze which involved actually escaping to the top of the maze and getting my ass OUT of there rather than trying to avoid the enemy.

I woke up as I had escaped the maze and was trying to figure out how to save the male lead from wandering the maze, too.

I figure the dream's message goes back to something I figured a few days ago. I have a "problem" which I find too absolutely huge and frightening. I know there's a way to deal with it but the complexities of it are too much for me as a whole. Therefore, rather than thinking about the ultimate goal I'm working on dealing with what's set in front of me and what the next step will be, figuring that eventually I'll pass or fail but it won't be because I stood terrified. At least I'll be moving and THINKING.

Of course, this could also have something to do with Nils. With dealing with that's in front of me and letting rejection (and whatever OTHER horrors might await) be whatever threats they might be... but still doing my part. Or you know... it could be just a dream. Or all three.

Meanwhile, I swear I mentioned that Nils has gone and grown a mustache. In fact I know I did. He does NOT, however, look like one of the village people. I did ask him when I saw him exactly why he'd chosen to grow this mustache and he replied that he just felt like he needed some kind of a change, something "different" in his life. I'm not sure what the deal with the facial hair is on that particular police force but it may be that their rules follow those of the military. The military only allows for mustaches (which have their own set of rules) in their general populace. Therefore, if a guy wants facial hair... he has one choice. Nils was, of course, military before he joined the police ranks (and is still reserves) so he's been limited a long time....

I'm off work on Friday which means if I don't see him tonight... I don't get to see him this week. I'm sad. I might still switch to working the next two nights on the off chance that I'll see Sam. However, I'm far less obsessed with seeing him than I am with seeing Nils. On the other hand ALL of the men I'm currently obsessed with come in during the evenings....

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