Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A quick post

Since I'm bound for bed.

Sam came in today. I couldn't hardly talk to him because my boss was there and I didn't want to get in trouble for not getting anything done. Plus, I don't know my coworkers (or boss) to know about my close association with him. Or the one I long for, anyway. It just seems like a bad idea.

Anyway, so he came in and I asked him if he was going to visit a local tourist destination. He said "yes, soon." And that was the end of the conversation. I really wanted to ask him to go WITH me... but I didn't want to ask him while my boss was around. Which was so disappointing. So he told me he was going to head out to the gym and as he left he winked at me.

And I find myself at a bit of a loss. Did he figure out that I wanted to ask him out and was winking at my as encouragement for next time? That's really the only logical explaination I can come up with at the moment.

So just watch... he won't be back for the rest of the week. Or tomorrow he'll show up... and my boss' boss will be there to fuck things up for me that way. *sigh*

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