Thursday, January 05, 2006

More boys....

Yesterday as I was working on stocking a display Cade came in. I smiled and said "hi" to him and continued to stock the display. Then I paused for a second "hey... what're you doing here? Today's your day off." So he told me that he's out of school for the time being and agreed to work some overtime. Nice. We talked for a few moments more and he did his shopping and left. I'm not sure but I just think I ruined things with Cade by telling him I'm married. Which is okay, I wouldn't lie about it... but it is disappointing. He's cute. If white bread.

Later on, last night I was working on something in the computer and Nils walked in. I glanced at him and went back to what I was doing but then stopped and stared. "What're you doing here?" I asked him. He looked up at me vaguely surprised at the question. "You're off today." It seemed to be my litany. He went on to tell me that they'd changed his schedule. I sighed heavily, "what's the point in memorising your schedule if they're just going to up and change it?" I asked. So he told me his new schedule. Monday through Friday. Which means I'll be craving weekends off even MORE.

Knowing he'd be there tomorrow (but apparently off for a four day weekend this weekend) I traded to close tonight. Because I'm that pathetic. And I really need my sleep since I'm still recovering from being sick. That's what I tell them anyway.

I talked to Nils a little. He mocked me for the cop joke I told him and he told me "what's funny about being derogatory toward police?" I smiled "what was derogatory about THAT joke?" "The pig reference." I laughed. "Hey, there's a guy who comes in here-" "There's always a guy isn't there?" "Ahem. There's a guy who comes in here who calls himself that. So THERE. Plus, the DARE officer in my high school-" "what?" "The DARE officer-" "DARE?! Like the anti drug thing?" "Yeah. DARE. Everyone knows DARE. Anyway I had him sign my year book-" "You had him sign your year book?" I considered telling him "yeah, he was WAY hot." But kept my mouth shut. Of course, he WAS way hot. But Nils doesn't need to know that. "He was nice," I said," he drew a picture of a pig in my year book and I couldn't figure out WHY at first...." He mocked the police man for a few moments and I flipped him off. "Thanks for that," he said. I smiled tenderly. Eventually he left as I giggled at him.

Sam didn't come in and I was disappointed. However, a cute Nebraska boy has been making regular appearances. He's nice and I'm starting to think he might be a fun toy to take to bed. Although he's only like... 21. So whatever. Plus he can't host so nothing would come if it anyway. But it'd be fun to make out with him....

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