Friday, January 27, 2006

Still better-ish.

We have inventory tomorrow. I did what I could but I feel like I'm going to hear that it wasn't enough. Whatever. I can't ever do enough for some people and I mostly accept that, although it irritates the shit out of me.

Meanwhile, no sign of Nils. I was SO disappointed. I kept holding my breath everytime someone walked in and in fact had the very odd experience of being really disappointed when Sam walked in because it wasn't Nils and at the very same moment excited that Sam came in. It was the oddest feeling of my stomach dropping out and my heart pounding all at the same moment. Very odd.

Unfortunately at the same time as Sam came in I was asking one of the managers (not my manager but another one who'd come to help us get ready for inventory) how to do something in the computer. Unfortunately, English isn't her first language and apparently she didn't really know, either. But wouldn't SAY that.

So Sam wandered the store and I waited impatiently for her to show me what to do. Sam came up to be rung up and I ignored him momentarily, knowing he'd "get" that I was busy and would wait his turn. So I told her that I'd forgotten to check something about the item and she'd need to do that. And I went to ring him up. And she asked me if I'd checked that particular thing about the item. To which I replied that I had NOT (like I'd just fucking said) and she'd need to do that. And then I rolled my eyes at Sam and he laughed. Because he GETS it.

"Tomorrow's inventory," I told him. He nodded, raised his cup of coffee to me and left.

I was so sad to see him go. But it was maybe good for me to not have to deal with the emotional fall out from yesterday. Monday I'll do better. Right? ...right?

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